Make Way Film Blog

European Genre Forum: ‘The Girl with the Green Eyes’ got selected!

  • 30 mei 2023

We are one step closer to realising a magical realism film that might make you ugly cry. Our latest project ‘The Girl with the Green Eyes’ was selected as one of the eight European Genre Forum projects and will be part of their special training program in Tallinn, Amsterdam and Zagreb!

Be warned: ‘The Girl with the Green Eyes’ is not for the faint of heart, as it discusses dark and controversial topics, through the eyes of our young protagonist Mara, who is only eight years old. Written by writer/director Yfke van Berckelaer, the story of this film-to-be will focus on fantastical beings in the shadows, a mysterious red door and the so-called ‘Boezehappert’, a mythical Dutch water spirit Mara meets in the lake behind their house. The story includes horrible real-life issues, but is filled with childlike wonder and the faith in all things magical.

We believe in the beauty of this project and so does the European Genre Forum! The European Genre Forum is a pan-european project that strives to connect young and upcoming European film talents within the genre cinema: horror, science fiction and so on. Therefore, the organisation offers a six-month training program through three talent labs for eight selected projects: the Screenwriting and Directing Lab (in Zagreb), the Producing Lab (in Amsterdam) and the Marketing and Packaging Lab (in Tallinn). Last week during the Cannes Film Festival the eight selected projects were revealed and we were extremely thrilled to hear that ‘The Girl with the Green Eyes’ is an official part of the selection! We might’ve had an ugly cry ourselves šŸ˜­

So with this good news comes the great comprehension that we will start travelling Europe later this year, together with our dear co-filmmaker Yfke! Off to Tallinn, Zagreb and Amsterdam to meet script consultants, established filmmakers and other genre industry professionals. The project will kick off at the Fantastic Zagreb Film Festival on July 6th and we can’t wait for Europe (and the world) to get to know ‘The Girl with the Green Eyes’ šŸ¤

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3044 CK Rotterdam
The Netherlands
+31 (0)6-15829249