When Jake doesn't keep his dating app deal with Rose, she doesn't settle for it and plots her revenge.

0h 11min
Details & Storyline
  • Jake is searching for love or at least just a fuck buddy. One night, while chatting with various girls, Jake finally seems to connect with a girl named Rose. After sending her picture, Jake is horrified by her appearance and decides to ghost her. Obviously not happy with Jake's rejection, Rose begins to hunt him down. MEAT ME shows a twisted version of a woman's revenge on playboys like Jake.

    Directed by: Jan-Willem de Kraaij

    Screenplay by: Jan-Willem de Kraaij & Matthijs Bockting

    Cinematography by: Luuk de Kok

    Main cast: Bram Klappe, Rick Lens, Nikita van der Linden, Didi Brouwers & Arlena Schippers

    Visit the IMDb page for the ​full cast & crew list:

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    Vlaardingweg 62 (room 4.48)
    3044 CK Rotterdam
    The Netherlands
    +31 (0)6-15829249