Do No Harm

Do No Harm

When Moira, an off-duty nurse, is brutally attacked on her narrowboat by a hospital patient, the confrontation suggests a sinister history that binds them.

Details & Storyline
  • Do No Harm is a stand-alone supernatural horror about the sinister power game that underpins a nurse/patient relationship. With its unique river and narrowboat setting, it is also a tantalising taster for a longer feature film about a vigilante nurse and the interventions that come back to haunt her.

    Directed by: Eron Sheean

    Screenplay by: Eron Sheean & Paul Bromley

    Cinematography: Luuk de Kok

    Main cast: Amélie Onzon & Sjaak Hartog


    Currently in post production.

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    Contact details

    Make Way Film B.V.
    Vlaardingweg 62 (room 4.48)
    3044 CK Rotterdam
    The Netherlands
    +31 (0)6-15829249